Your Key to Immigration Solutions

Immigration Appeals

A denial of an immigration case can be devastating to individuals and families. However, many denied petitions and applications come with the opportunity to appeal the decision made by a DHS officer or Immigration Judge, or have that decision reviewed by another government agent and/or agency. By choosing to appeal such a decision, many foreign nationals ultimately win their case.

There are numerous appellate levels in the immigration system, including:

  • The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)
  • The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
  • Administrative Appeals Office

Our firm has experience successfully reversing decisions of DHS officers and Immigration Judges at the Board of Immigration Appeals, Administrative Appeals Office, and federal circuit courts. Our firm has also overturned decisions regarding citizenship, nonimmigrant worker petitions, relief in court, marriage fraud, and countless others.

We have a long record of success in fighting for our clients in their appeals. Reach out to us if you need us to analyze your records, examine the strengths and weaknesses of your case, conduct preparations, and fight for your rights in appellate proceedings.

For more information or to book an appointment, give us a call at 214-251-8011 (Dallas, TX) or 817-332-1100 (Fort Worth, TX) to see how we can help you. You can also schedule your appointment online here.