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Visa Bulletin

Monthly Priority Date Visa Bulletin
Boletín Mensual de Visas con Fecha de Prioridad



September/Septiembre 2015

FAMILY World China (mld) India Mexico Philp.
F1 15DEC07 15DEC07 15DEC07 15NOV94 22OCT00
F2A 01MAR14 01MAR14 01MAR14 01FEB14 01MAR14
F2B 22DEC08 22DEC08 22DEC08 15JUL95 08SEP04
F3 08MAY04 08MAY04 08MAY04 22MAY94 15SEP93
F4 15JAN03 15JAN03 15JAN03 15MAR97 01MAR92
BUSINESS World China (mld) India Mexico Philp.
1st C C C C C
2nd C 01JAN06 01JAN06 C C
3rd 15AUG15 22DEC04 22DEC04 15AUG15 22DEC04
Other Workers 15AUG15 01JAN04 22DEC04 15AUG15 22DEC04
4th C C C C C
Certain Religious Workers C C C C C
Employment Areas/
Regional Centers
and Pilot Programs
C 22SEP13 C C C




August/Agosto 2015

FAMILY World China (mld) India Mexico Philp.
F1 01NOV07 01NOV07 01NOV07 15NOV94 15MAR00
F2A 15DEC13 15DEC13 15DEC13 01NOV13 15DEC13
F2B 15NOV08 15NOV08 15NOV08 08APR95 22MAY04
F3 08APR04 08APR04 08APR04 22APR94 22AUG93
F4 01DEC02 01DEC02 01DEC02 01MAR97 15JAN92
BUSINESS World China (mld) India Mexico Philp.
1st C C C C C
2nd C 15DEC13 01OCT08 C C
3rd 15JUL15 01JUN04 01JUN04 15JUL15 01JUN04
Other Workers 15JUL15 01JAN04 01JUN04 15JUL15 01JUN04
4th C C C C C
Certain Religious Workers C C C C C
Employment Areas/
Regional Centers
and Pilot Programs
C 01SEP13 C C C



July/Julio 2015

FAMILY World China (mld) India Mexico Philp.
F1 01OCT07 01OCT07 01OCT07 15NOV94 15MAR00
F2A 08NOV13 08NOV13 08NOV13 15SEP13 08NOV13
F2B 15OCT08 15OCT08 15OCT08 08APR95 15MAY04
F3 15MAR04 15MAR04 15MAR04 22APR94 22AUG93
F4 22OCT02 22OCT02 22OCT02 01MAR97 08DEC91
BUSINESS World China (mld) India Mexico Philp.
1st C C C C C
2nd C 01OCT13 01OCT08 C C
3rd 01APR15 01SEP11 01FEB04 01APR15 U
Other Workers 01APR15 01JAN06 01FEB04 01APR15 U
4th C C C C C
Certain Religious Workers C C C C C
Employment Areas/
Regional Centers
and Pilot Programs
C 01SEP13 C C C


*  *  *  *  *

F1:   Unmarried Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens / Hijos e hijas solteros de ciudadanos Americanos


F2A: Spouses and CHILDREN, and Unmarried Sons and Daughters of Permanent Resident /
Cónyuges  e hijos, y hijos e hijas solteros de Residentes Permanentes


F2B: Unmarried Sons and Daughters (21 years of age or older) of Permanent Residents /
Hijos e hijas solteros (21 años de edad o mayor) de Residentes Permanentes


F3:   Married Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens / Hijos e hijas casados de Ciudadanos Americanos


F4:   Brothers and Sisters of Adult U.S. Citizens / Hermanos y hermanas de ciudadanos Americanos adultos


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